FH 67
Colourless cristallo and aquamarine glass
Seventeenth century
Height: 26.5 cm, bowl: 7.3 cm, foot: 12.7 cm
Acquired: June 1975
Reliquary with cylindrical body with folded horizontal rim on the underside. The stem consists
of a knop with twelve ribs on a long avolio. Stem
and bowl are connected with a merese. The
knop is decorated with three small aquamarine
raspberry prunts made up of a large central
boss, surrounded by two concentric circles of
smaller bosses. The prunts are stamped coiled
threads. Both knop and raspberry prunts are
gilded. Slightly conical foot with downwardly
folded rim. Small, rough, sharp pontil mark.
Museo del vetro, Murano, Venice (Gasparetto
1958, cat.no. 66)
Veste Coburg (Theuerkauff-Liederwald 1994,
cat.no. 312)